On 17/6/2022, Lembaga Kecantikan Negara (LKN) paid a courtesy visit to the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) of Kuala Lumpur Territory to discuss issues affiliated to the beauty industry.

Under the arrangement of the Secretary-General Dr David Ng, the National Board of Beauty (LKN) members visited the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP). During the meeting, Alston Tan, the Vice-President of the National Board of Beauty (LKN), brought the chaos in the beauty industry market and the cases of consumer complaints into the meeting to discuss, including the proliferation of "illegal doctors", misleading advertisements, and illegal use of supervision of drugs and medical aesthetics and plastic surgery. Among them, he mentioned the casualty incident caused by illegal liposuction two years ago; He believes that the way to solve the chaos in the market must be through the formulation of policies and education.

In addition, Nelson Ooi Teik Seng, President of the National Board of Beauty (LKN), also shared his experience in overseas inspections to officials of the Ministry of Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP), and suggested that Malaysia can refer to mature foreign control policies such as Japan, Singapore, the United States and Italy.

This meeting concluded well, and both parties brought out the next direction of cooperation, such as joint law enforcement and more public forums, to effectively bring consumer information into the public eye. The National Board of Beauty (LKN) will also actively assist the government in formulating policy recommendations, and also play a role as a bridge to bring the voices of the beauty industry to the relevant departments for discussion.

For more details, please follow the official website www.lknm.org.my or follow the Facebook page (Lembaga Kecantikan Negara Malaysia | Facebook).